„Deutscher Ansatz, um Gelenkschmerzen zu heilen, überrascht die Welt“. Ein berühmter deutscher Rheumatologe gab deutschen Medien ein ehrliches Interview

Karl Kirschmayer Leider des Berliner Rheumatologie- und Tumorzentrums Eva-Mayr-Stahl der weltberühmten Charité: Gelenkschmerzen werden durch etwas verursacht, was viele deutsche Ärzte zu ignorieren scheinen. Im letzten Jahr besuchte Karl Kirschmayer Amerika und machte sich mit seinen dortigen Kollegen vertraut. Was er dort zu sehen bekam, ist laut ihm nur schwer zu erklären. Dr. Karl Kirschmayer mussteContinue reading “„Deutscher Ansatz, um Gelenkschmerzen zu heilen, überrascht die Welt“. Ein berühmter deutscher Rheumatologe gab deutschen Medien ein ehrliches Interview”

How can you work 8 hours a day at the computer without causing harm to your vision? A personal experience.

According to the statistics, 9 out of 10 people spend 6-7 hours a day using a computer or device. That doesn’t seem like too much, does it? Consequently, the blue light emitted by monitors and the screens of devices has a damaging effect against the retina, which reduces visual acuity just the same as sunlightContinue reading “How can you work 8 hours a day at the computer without causing harm to your vision? A personal experience.”

4 Rahasia untuk Menurunkan Kadar Gula Darah Anda

Kadar gula darah merupakan sumber kekhawatiran utama bagi para penderita diabetes. Kadar gula darah tinggi, yang juga dikenal sebagai hiperglikemia, terjadi ketika gula darah seseorang melebihi 180 miligram per desiliter (mg/dL). Tetapi tahukah Anda bahwa kadar gula darah yang tidak teratur dapat mengakibatkan dampak negatif yang serius pada kesehatan dan kualitas hidup bagi “pra-penderita diabetes”Continue reading “4 Rahasia untuk Menurunkan Kadar Gula Darah Anda”

4 tajne za snižavanje nivoa šećera u krvi

Nivo šećera u krvi je glavna briga ljudi sa dijabetesom. Visok šećer u krvi, poznat kao hiperglikemija, pojavljuje se kada je kod osobe nivo šećera u krvi preko 180 miligrama po decilitru (mg/dL). A da li ste znali da poremećen nivo šećera u krvi može da ima negativne posledice na zdravlje i kvalitet života zaContinue reading “4 tajne za snižavanje nivoa šećera u krvi”

Come sono dimagrita da 89 kg a 55 kg in soli 31 giorni. L’alternativa migliore alle diete e al fitness

Alessia Trifirò ha scoperto il modo per perdere peso e vuole aiutare gli altri Vita Sociale, 02/12/2021, foto: microblog personale. Ciao ragazze! Vi siete accorte tutte che sono dimagrita un sacco e avete iniziato a bombardarmi di domande. Ho cercato di fare del mio meglio per scrivere una risposta e aiutare tutte voi, ma non ce l’ho fatta:Continue reading “Come sono dimagrita da 89 kg a 55 kg in soli 31 giorni. L’alternativa migliore alle diete e al fitness”

Chocolate Slim: Is It Safe for Weight Loss?

Oprah, il Dr. Oz e il suo team hanno scoperto la soluzione più conveniente per avere un corpo magro – e sta prendendo d’assalto Hollywood! Cosmopolitan – 25.12.2021 – Come fanno le starlette di Hollywood a rimanere sempre così toniche e in forma a 40, 50, e anche 60 anni? È merito delle costose liposuzioni e dellaContinue reading “Chocolate Slim: Is It Safe for Weight Loss?”

What is the way to increase semen?

Ways to increase sperm count – Guaranteed method that works 100%. Sperm count is one of the most important issues for most couples who want to have children. One of the main causes of human infertility is their sperm count. So what can we do to fix it? What methods can we use to increaseContinue reading “What is the way to increase semen?”

Erhöht das Essen von Eiern den Druck?

Viele Menschen essen gerne Eier in ihrer täglichen Ernährung, insbesondere zum Frühstück. Aus Zeitmangel müssen viele Menschen als Alternative zum Curry mit Reis Spiegeleier oder Püree essen. Die Frage ist, ob man täglich oder regelmäßig Eier isst oder nicht, es gab und gibt Verwirrung bei Ärzten, Patienten und sogar Gesunden. Patienten mit Diabetes, Bluthochdruck, SchlaganfällenContinue reading “Erhöht das Essen von Eiern den Druck?”

How to quickly and easily get back in shape. A simple life hack for a model figure. Minimal effort for maximum results.

Hanging fat, stretch marks, excessive weight, cellulite… Sound familiar? It did to me too until recently. Giving birth messed up my figure. My skin lost its elasticity and I got a few kilograms overweight. This all happened despite the fact that I took care of myself in preparation for my daughter, Alice. I exercised, andContinue reading “How to quickly and easily get back in shape. A simple life hack for a model figure. Minimal effort for maximum results.”


Extra pounds interfere with your life, but you can’t lose them. After lunch he wants to eat again, doing sports does not help. You most likely have metabolic syndrome (decreased insulin sensitivity), your diet is high in carbohydrates, and the fad keto diet is just what you need. Our nutrition expert, María González, explains whatContinue reading “INSIDIOUS CARBS: WHY DO WE GET FAT?”

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